SELI OVERSEAS has made a commitment to support Med’International, an association run by medical students who are striving to build a paediatric unit at Regina Pacis Hospital in Lomé (Togo). SELI OVERSEAS is covering the costs of purchasing a dedicated container (last trip) and logistics with its partners’ support: the handling company CNM generously provided space in its warehouses and donated its reception, storage, container stuffing and goods weighing services, while the shipping company CMA also showed its support for this charity initiative by offering highly attractive freight rates.
The operation began in January 2022 with the SELI OVERSEAS team marshalling its forces to set up the operation, look for a container to renovate and then purchase it. As Smahane explains: “A real team effort was organised with Marina and Michel. Marina, the project leader at SELI OVERSEAS, gave me lots of information on how to proceed with Togo. I was in charge of relations with the company (CMA), booking requests, drafting and correcting the draft, VGM, tracking etc.”
At the same time, the collection of equipment progressed: 15 beds, an incubator, examination tables, resuscitation tables, stretchers, cradles, oxygen masks, and many other childcare equipment items. These various goods were stored in the CNM warehouses at Le Havre prior to stuffing into the container provided by SELI OVERSEAS.
The container was ready for loading on 24 May. It left Le Havre on board the Koi on 14 June, and was transshipped onto the Port Gdynia in Algeciras on 26 June, bound for Lomé. After arrival at the port on 5 July came a short break at the terminal to finalise certain administrative procedures, and then final delivery to Regina Pacis hospital on 23 July. Watch a video of its arrival
The Med’International team can now continue its project: “The container financed by SELI OVERSEAS has finally arrived! Without them, our project to build a paediatric clinic in Lomé would have been impossible.”
This operation is a first for the SELI-LOGIFI group: “The personal satisfaction of being able to contribute to the future well-being of several children, and the satisfaction of helping an association to carry out charitable actions, are a refreshing change from dealing with traditional ‘industrial’ customers. The association’s appreciation and photos/videos of the container stripping were very moving.”
Congratulations to the SELI OVERSEAS team!!!